There are limitless possibilities for investors in Devbhoomi, the government is providing all possible help.

Today, there are immense opportunities for investment in Uttarakhand. The government has created
a favorable environment for industrialists to invest in the state. Our effort is to develop the industry in the statethrough this InvestorsSummit which is going to be organized next month so that it Along with getting benefits to the residents, the economy of the state should also get
strengthened. These things were said by Uttarakhand Government Cabinet Minister Rekha Arya in the district level mini conclave in Kotdwar today. The program was started by lighting the lamp.
It is also a matter of happiness that investment
proposals worth about Rs 1430 crore have been received in Pauri district. Today, there are immense possibilities of investment in many sectors including religious tourism, adventure tourism, automobile, health, education in our state, for which we are ready. More policies have also been made. He said that we will make Devbhoomi a land of divinity through investment.

Today, road connectivity, communication facilities, air connectivity, drinking water facility, electrification facilities are available in the state. Having all these facilities is very favorable for an investor. Minister Rekha Arya urged all the investors and said that you all should invest in the state. Invest and the state government is ready to provide all possible help to all of you.